ITA (English version follows):
Buon lunedì amici!
Dopo questa domenica passata ad esporre i miei gioielli al bellissimo evento Comepiaceame a Cigole (BS), di cui spero di raccontarvi presto (e di cui vi avevo parlato anche QUI), e prima di rimettermi al lavoro per il Mercaspino di domenica prossima a Spino d'Adda (anche di questo vi parlerò presto!) è il momento del nostro appuntamento di inizio settimana con il "Consiglio di stile" in collaborazione con Valentina, designer di Fils de Rêves.
Tornano i fiori, e quest'abito con nastro in vita Fils de Rêves porta un tocco romantico e hippie chic al vostro guardaroba. Noi abbiamo pensato di abbinarlo ad un paio di orecchini in ottone traforato e lavorato a mano da me, con una pietra dura di rodonite. Potrebbe essere la scelta giusta per una domenica di picnic sulle rive di un fiume, o per una passeggiata in campagna. E perché non per un brunch con le amiche, magari sui Navigli a Milano? :) le interpretazioni sono infinite, sta a voi indossare questo outfit per le occasioni più svariate!
-Abito a fiori by Fils de Rêves
-Orecchini a goccia in ottone traforato e lavorato a mano, con pietra di rodonite, by PetiteFraise Handmade. Fanno parte della collezione Spirit of Earth. Non sono ancora disponibili nei miei negozi online (cercherò di aggiornarli il prima possibile), ma se vi piacciono o volete qualche informazione in più, contattatemi alla mail petitefraise[at] o mandandomi un messaggio sulla mia pagina Facebook.
Ti piace questo outfit? Dicci cosa ne pensi nei commenti! :)
Leggi le puntate precedenti: parte I, parte II, parte III
I miei link
Facebook - Instagram - Etsy - DaWanda - ALittleMarket - Twitter - Pinterest
Happy Monday!
After a Sunday spent with my jewelry in a wonderful craft market (I hope to write about it soon), it's time for a new "Style Tip" in collaboration with Valentina, the designer behind Fils de Rêves.
Flowers are back, and this beautiful dress by Fils de Rêves is perfect if you feel romantic and hippie chic. We thought to match it with a pair of brass drop earrings with rhodonite pink gemstones, handmade by me. It would be the right choice for a picnic on the riverside, or for a walk in the countryside. Or maybe for a city brunch with your friends! You can wear this outfit for many occasions :)
-Floral dress by Fils de Rêves
-Drop earrings in brass cut and worked by hand and rhodonite gemstones by PetiteFraise Handmade. They're part of Spirit of Earth collection. For now they are not available in my online shops (I'll try to update the shops as soon as possible), but if you like them or if you need more information, just email me at petitefraise[at] or send me a message on my Facebook page.
Do you like this outfit? Tell us what you think in the comments!
Read the previous Style Tips in collaboration with Valentina: part I, part II, part III
My links
Facebook - Instagram - Etsy - DaWanda - ALittleMarket - Twitter - Pinterest
After a Sunday spent with my jewelry in a wonderful craft market (I hope to write about it soon), it's time for a new "Style Tip" in collaboration with Valentina, the designer behind Fils de Rêves.
Flowers are back, and this beautiful dress by Fils de Rêves is perfect if you feel romantic and hippie chic. We thought to match it with a pair of brass drop earrings with rhodonite pink gemstones, handmade by me. It would be the right choice for a picnic on the riverside, or for a walk in the countryside. Or maybe for a city brunch with your friends! You can wear this outfit for many occasions :)
-Floral dress by Fils de Rêves
-Drop earrings in brass cut and worked by hand and rhodonite gemstones by PetiteFraise Handmade. They're part of Spirit of Earth collection. For now they are not available in my online shops (I'll try to update the shops as soon as possible), but if you like them or if you need more information, just email me at petitefraise[at] or send me a message on my Facebook page.
Do you like this outfit? Tell us what you think in the comments!
Read the previous Style Tips in collaboration with Valentina: part I, part II, part III
My links
Facebook - Instagram - Etsy - DaWanda - ALittleMarket - Twitter - Pinterest
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Abito a fiori by Fils de Rêves // Floral dress by Fils de Rêves |
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Orecchini a goccia in ottone e pietra di rodonite rosa by PetiteFraise Handmade // Drop earrings in brass and rhodonite gemstones by PetiteFraise Handmade |
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